Keep Your High-Functioning!
- - Get Rid of the Anxiety!
It's Time to Be the Boss of Your Brain.
When Your Mind Works at 100%, Everything Works at 100%
You can get rid of the pain of anxiety...
Without losing your edge...
and, when you do, you will perform better,
sleep like a baby,
enjoy yourself and your relationships more,
and achieve what you want less personal cost.
And, oh, you won't need to take drugs to do it.
You won't need another hour on a therapist's couch.
And you won't need another coping strategy.
Because you'll be DONE.
Done With Anxiety.
Let's Have A Wee Little Chat
2 min read
Your life isn't some trial to grin and bear. Smiles on the outside and storms on the inside. Being a high achiever in your job and life does not have to cost you your peace of mind.
High-Functioning Anxiety?
Doctors and specialists use the term 'anxiety' as a catch-all diagnosis for certain types of problems that are hard to otherwise categorize. The condition has diagnostic criteria like 'excessive worry' and 'significant distress' and 'muscle tension'. Anxiety is a hazy word, yet with so much power. And, it's thrown around casually...even absorbed casually.
Once you know a few things about anxiety, you will agree that, while the symptoms and signs are real, using them as criteria for a diagnostic label is just a way to bide time. The label accomplishes nothing but satisfy a longing to categorize an unpleasant experience.
It's human nature to give things a name. But a name does not a solution make.
Relief begins from knowing what the heck anxiety is.
Anxiety is fascinating feedback about how your nervous system is adapting to your environment - your physical, chemical and mental environment. If you want to understand and eliminate the anxiety experience from your life, first you must know what causes it.
That's where I come in.
I have a knack for making anxiety understandable, and also a process for stopping it. What I offer is sensible and simple, and I have been doing it for more than 20 years with people just like you. The only difference is, they have relief, and you don't, yet.
The focus here at DONE WITH ANXIETY is something that is termed High-Functioning Anxiety. That's not even a diagnosis (available in the pantheon of mental health disorders), yet, anyway. It's more of a term that people use when they want to escape the diagnosis of, well, anxiety.
The truth is, I help people with all kinds of anxieties. And, I've worked with thousands of high achievers who just wanted nothing more than to be the boss of their brains.
High functioning anxiety is a term that is gaining popularity to describe a long list of anxiety-like feelings and behaviors experienced by high-achievers. (I bet there are some Big Pharma marketers planning a new campaign to sell a new, bespoke high-functioning anxiety medicine that will target the high-achievers of the world...and will have the pricetag to prove it.)
If you were told you have high-functioning anxiety, or you were 'diagnosed' with the condition "anxiety", you might believe you fit into this category of 'mental disorders'. You may believe there's something wrong with you...that your experience is inevitable....even unstoppable.
Nonsense. Do not believe it. Not yet, anyway.
Now, don't get me wrong. There are people who have anxiety, and their condition is so out of control that they are not even in good enough shape to get out of bed, let alone to learn something new. They don't belong on this page. But, then, I don't believe that's the majority of people who have "it".
There's no denying the anatomy and physiology of stress. That stuff is real.
But the origin of the anxiety? That's another story. You're not a hapless victim to life's natural stresses.
Anxiety. It describes the end-result of being under pressure...and stressed on the outside and inside. Maybe you don't even know what it means? So, instead of finding out, are you willing to accept the label? ...and keep struggling, or - worse - suffering?
I am here to tell you to STOP. Here is the truth: We will turn that label sideways. And get rid of it.
You just need a little assistance. To be turned in the right direction. That's my job.
Your job is to do something different. Why not do that right now?
When you sign up, you'll also receive updates on how to be done with anxiety.
No More Bumper Sticker Wisdom
The Insanity Stops Today
1 min read
Somewhere, somewhen in your life, someone
spoke bumper sticker wisdom, and, perhaps, you believed it:
But here's the thing: that bumper sticker wisdom is not wisdom. It is nonsense.
You've been told that life happens to you. The truth exactly the opposite: You happen to life.
(Right! You're feeling most of this agitation because you had your pronouns mixed up. That's all.)
So, I'm here to set the record straight.
You have more power than you know to stop the problem of anxiety. And, it's my job to make it easier for you to use your power in the way that will make you feel great.
Life is not something that happens to you.
You happen to life.
Okay -- now that we have established that, let's get to how to do it.
Search the site. Read the blog. Or, jump right in to find out about how being DONE WITH ANXIETY is possible - and more simple than you think - by starting with the free quiz, above. It's free!
This Blog's For You!
2 min read
High-functioning anxiety is not in the DSM-5 (diagnostic manual for psychiatric disorders, 5th edition), because it is not an official psychiatric diagnosis. But you can bet your bottom-dollar that there is a drug that can be used on-, off- or between-labels to 'treat' it. I doubt anyone in psychiatry really cares what it is or how to take care of the person who struggles with it. (HECK! Just take the pill, will you?)
Pretty soon, I'll bet it will not only get its own insurance billing code, it will also become a sub-specialty in professional circles. (I can hear the BS now - "You see, I limit my practice to only those patients with HIGH-FUNCTIONING ANXIETY.") And, most certainly, it will earn Big Pharma a gazillion dollars, or more.
Done keeping my own story to myself.
Apart from being a high-achiever who struggled quite awfully with 'high functioning anxiety', I am a journal-writer, I am a word-lover, vocab-hunter, serial-healer, human-behavior futurist, doctor, entrepreneur, yogini, traveler, lover, wife, and mom. I am a regular person with a normal nervous system.
No, my Boss of Your Brain Program is not a new system. I've been using it to help thousands of people for almost 25 years, but I have been keeping it quiet because, well, I guess I just did not know how to reach more people. Plus, I was too busy with my day job and raising my daughters.
Now, voila!, I have my Kartra platform and Wordpress, and my daughters are old enough to handle some of the growing themselves. Work is work, and I love it, so here I am.
...and what I have to say is this: No more of that waiting around for someone else to do it. Nuh-uh. I am not going to sit still a moment longer when I can help you and someone you know solve a problem that is TOTALLY SOLVEABLE.
It's time to open up and share what I know will help many millions of people who struggle with high functioning anxiety.
Well, now I am laughing out loud again. (Delusions are in a whole different section of the DSM-5.)
But, really, if one person - even one! maybe you? - avoids yet-another-label, and feels sane, whole, and at ease, I will have done my job.
I may not change the world, but I AM going to change your world.
Let's get to it.
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